Comparison of Omron Glucometer Monitor

About Omron Glucometer Comparison:

In this comparison table we have listed all the Omron Glucometer Models. Buyers can easily buy the Omron digital glucometer according to this comparison chart, we have put all the features in this comparison table, and buyers can easily understand the technical parameters. Buyers can check the Glucometer according to his/her need.

Comparison Chart of Omron Glucometer:

HGM-111 Glucometer Monitor HEA-230 Glucometer Monitor HGM-112 Glucometer Monitor
Measurement Time 5 second 5 second 5 second
Memory 512 512 Last Reading
Blood Sample Volume 1 UL 1 UL 1 UL
Average Reading 7,14&30 days 7,14&28 days no
Amount 1050 420 650


Comparison Chart Image of Omron Glucometer:

comaprison chart of omron Glucometer monitor


The best digital Glucometer in this table is HGM-111 Glucometer Monitor.

It is build with mostly all feature are required for higher end Glucometer Monitor. It is equipped with LED display which will give you best display. It has stored 512 memory, average reading 7, 14 &30 days.

Omron Glucometer Storage Capacity Image:

Storage Capacity Chart Of Omron Glucometer Monitor1

Image of Omron HGM-111 Glucometer Monitor:

Omron HGM 111 Glucometer

Image of Omron HGM-112 Glucometer Monitor:

Omron HGM 112 Glucometer

Image of Omron HEA-230 Glucometer Monitor:

Omron HEA 230 Glucometer