Recipes rich in Soy Protein

Soy Protein

Soy is rich in protein. You can easily prepare delicious food by soy. Now you can see some of the recipes made from soy.

some of the recipes made from soy
some of the recipes made from soy

First of all you can learn how to make soy milk from soy beans.

Soy milk
Soy milk
  • Soy milk: It is very healthy, full of nutrients and a great beverage.

Ingredients:       125 gram whole soya beans

Directions:           First clean the soya beans and soak them in water for 10-16 hours. Now drain the beans. Now put the soaked soya beans into a blender and add water to it. Now grind it properly. Drain the beans, add 1 liter water and mix it in a blender for 3 minutes. Separate the soy milk from the solids by squeezing through a cheese cloth. Boil soy milk for 10 minutes.  Now your milk is ready to drink.

Bread Pattice
Bread Pattice
  • Bread Pattice: They are different to taste and a complete package of vegetables and soya.

Ingredients:       2 tablespoon soya granules

½ tablespoon oil

2 tablespoons finely chopped spring onions

3 tablespoons finely chopped carrots

3 tablespoons finely chopped capsicum

3 tablespoons grated cabbage

2 tablespoons boiled noodles

½ tablespoon chili -garlic sauce

½ tablespoon tomato sauce

½ tablespoon soy sauce

Salt to taste

12 fresh whole wheat bread slices

Melted butter

Directions: First soak the soya granules in warm waters for 10 minutes. Drain it, squeeze the water and keep it. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add the spring onion and sauté for 30 seconds. Now add carrots, cabbage and capsicum and sauté again for 2 minutes. Add soya granules and noodles and mix them well. Add chili- garlic sauce and tomato ketchup and sauté for few seconds. Now remove the pan from flame, add soya sauce and salt and mix well. Stuffing is ready, now keep it aside.

Place a bread slice on a flat surface and remove the edges. Roll the bread slice thinly using a rolling pin. Place a tablespoon of the stuffing on one end of the bread and roll it tightly to seal the filling. Repeat the procedure to make other rolls. Brush melted butter on bread pattice and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200 degree centigrade for 10 to 12 minutes. Cut each roll into 2 pieces and serve them.

Soya Fry
Soya Fry
  • Soya Fry:

Ingredients:       2 cups of Soya chunks

1 sliced onion

3 or 4 slit lengthwise green chillies

1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste

Salt as needed

3- 4 tablespoons oil

½ tablespoon mustard seeds

2 springs curry leaves

1 tablespoon red chilly powder

2 tablespoon coriander powder

¼ tablespoon cumin seeds

½ tablespoon fennel powder

½ tablespoon garam masala

¼ tablespoon turmeric powder

¼ tablespoon pepper powder

Directions: Wash and soak the soya chunks in hot water for 15 minutes. Squeeze the chunks and keep it aside. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan, fume mustard seeds and curry leaves in it. Add onion and green chillies and sauté it until the onion become pink. Add the ginger garlic paste and fry for a minute. Add the soya chunks with ¼ cup of water and salt according to taste. Cover and cook for about 7-8 minutes. Add all the spices now. Add another 2-3 tablespoons of oil and increase the heat. Fry till all the pieces get fried well. Now serve it hot with chapattis, rice or biriyani.

Soya Curry
Soya Curry


  • Soya Curry:

Ingredients:       Soya chunks

1 small sliced potato

1 chopped onion

1 chopped tomato

1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste

¼ tablespoon turmeric powder

1 tablespoon meat masala powder

1 tablespoon garam masala

Salt as needed

1 tablespoon oil

Directions: Put some oil in a pan. When it get heated up fume garam masala. Fry the onion and add ginger garlic paste. When the mixture turns pink add tomatoes. After they get little cooked, add potatoes. Add the meat masala powder and turmeric powder and stir it properly and let it be cooked on low flame. In the meantime soak the soya chunks and boil them for few minutes. Squeeze the chunks and put them in the mixture and mix them well. Add required water and salt. Let it boil and simmer the gas for few minutes before switching it off. It can also be served with chapattis or rice.

Pineapple smoothie
Pineapple smoothie
  • Pineapple smoothie:

Ingredients:       1 pkg. soft silken tofu

1 medium banana

1 can unsweeten orange-pineapple juice

1 can unsweetened crush pineapple

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a blender until it become smooth. Serve with ice or refrigerate it.

SS Cricket clothing 2015

SS Cricket Clothing Sweater without sleeves

SS Cricket Clothing Sweater without sleeves


SS Cricket Clothing T Shirt

SS Cricket Clothing T Shirt

SS T Shirt is manufacture with good fabric which provides you better quality for long time. This cricket T shirt comes with color neck and attractive colour which will give you different look in cricket ground. It is equipped with better technology which results into improved air flow and dry fit .This cricket T shirt is specially made for professional and advanced level players.

SS Cricket Clothing T Shirt and Lower

SS Cricket Clothing T Shirt and Lower


Kookaburra Cricket clothing 2015

Kookaburra Sweater is manufacture with good woven fabric which provides you better quality for long time. This sweater comes with V shape neck and attractive color which will give you different look in cricket ground. It is equipped with better technology which results into improved air flow and dry fit. This cricket sweater is specially made for professional and advanced level players.

Kookaburra Cricket Clothing sweater

Kookaburra Cricket Clothing sweater

Kookaburra Cricket Clothing T Shirt and Lower

Kookaburra Cricket Clothing T Shirt and Lower


Kookaburra Cricket Clothing T Shirt

Kookaburra Cricket Clothing T Shirt

Kookaburra T Shirt is manufacture with good fabric which provides you better quality for long time. This cricket T shirt comes with color neck and attractive colour which will give you different look in cricket ground. It is equipped with better technology which results into improved air flow and dry fit .This cricket T shirt is specially made for professional and advanced level players.

Soy Protein vs. Whey Protein

Soy Protein vs. Whey Protein

There is big rush of various protein supplements in the market. Supplements are for supplementing or providing a diet that is high in protein. Proteins are very beneficial in diet as they are obligatory for rebuilding body tissues. Proteins produce hormones, antibodies, blood hemoglobin and new muscle tissue. Whey protein and soy protein are two different high quality proteins. Both of the proteins have various qualities. They are different with each other in some ways and do have similarities also.

Now you can see the comparisons between soya protein and whey protein.

comparisons between soya protein and whey protein

comparisons between soya protein and whey protein

Benefits of Soy Protein:  Soy Protein: Soy protein is originated from the soy beans. It is known as one of the best non-meat protein sources. Soy bean is fat and cholesterol free. It has been defatted soy beans and then processed into three forms: soy flour, soy concentrates and soy isolates. Soy protein consumption would help in lower bad cholesterol, prevent heart disease and even fought with some cancers.Benefits of Soy Protein

Pregnancy:  Soy products provide the same health benefits as other woman need. Fortified milk and fortified soy milk are the reliable dietary sources of vitamin D. Soy milk is the alternative to the sunlight for vitamin D. Soy milk is also an alternative of normal cow milk. It is healthy and good for pregnant woman.



Cardiac:  You should consume soy protein in place of animal protein as it reduces the total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDLs) and trigylcerides. You need to consume about 25 grams of soy protein or more daily to obtain good results.



  •  Obesity and Diabetes:  Soy protein helps in controlling the hyperglycemia and reduces body weight, hyperlipidema and hyperinsulinemia. They are useful to both diabetic and non diabetic person in the control of obesity and diabetes.

    Obesity and Diabetes

    Obesity and Diabetes

  • Menopausal symptoms:  Soy protein has been found in positively influencing the bone and calcium balance in postmenopausal                women. It is helpful for women who are not receiving hormone replacement therapy.
  •  Vegetarians and vegans:  Vegetarians are people who do not eat meat and vegans are strictly those people who do not eat products from animals including milk, curd and cheese. Soy is the alternative for these people. They can take all those proteins of milk, milk products and meat by soy.

    Vegetarians and vegans

    Vegetarians and vegans

Soy and whey are two different variants of protein with their own characteristics. So one should be particular while choosing the protein for him/herself.

Yonex badminton clothing 2015

Yonex badminton clothing 2015

YONEX Badminton T Shirt Round Neck Blue and red

YONEX Badminton T Shirt Round Neck Blue and red

Yonex provide the best sportswear for badminton game. YONEX badminton clothing is made with top quality fabric material which will provide you better quality for long time. It is equipped with better technology which results into improved air flow and dry fit. Yonex Badminton T shirt is specially made for professional and advanced level players.

YONEX Tracksuit Badminton Shorts Black

YONEX Tracksuit Badminton Shorts Black

Classification of Muscle Building Supplement for Growth

Muscle  Building  Supplement

Muscle Building Supplement

Classification of Muscle Building Supplement for Growth

Classification of Muscle Building

Classification of Muscle Building

When you talk about body building or muscle growth, there is certain product or piece of equipment can make difference. You can grow up muscle by eating properly and right workout. For better and the true growth of muscle, one needs supplement. Workouts and exercises are not an easy task to do, it is tough to rely only on workout for muscle growth. You need good supplements as add on with the workout for an easy and quick result. There are two types of muscle fibers in the body type-I fibers (aka slow-switch) help you achieve endurance exercise and type-II fibers (aka fast-switch) are the large fibers accountable for strength and size when weight training. For the muscle growth you have to damage the type II fibers by weight lifting and keep muscles under enough tension to employ satellite cells. These satellite muscles take the proteins from food for the thickness and strengthen of the muscles. Supplements can help the efforts done by workout, they influence nutritional, hormonal and energy system.

Hormonal Supplements

Hormonal Supplements

Hormonal Supplements: Hormones and bacteria have big effect on the human body. They can even spoil health even if your diet, supplements etc are optimized. Hormones are chemical messenger of the body. They work slowly, over time and affect many various processes as growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction and mood. The two main hormones are testosterone and growth hormone.

Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone Boosters:   The testosterone hormone has an important role in human body. It facilitates maintaining muscle mass, bone density and sexual function. Your body produces it in a good amount in early adulthood and reduces a little each year after. In your older age these supplements won’t put your testosterone on height but they will increase them to the highest level.  You can destroy the supply of testosterone hormones by living in the polluted area, using soaps with triclocarbon, having a sugar diet and lasting stress.

Growth Hormones Supplements

Growth Hormones Supplements

Growth Hormones Supplements: The Growth hormone is produced naturally by the pituitary gland and as its name entails, it is accountable for cell growth and regeneration. It generally discarded by age. Increment in muscle mass and bone density are impossible without it. It plays a major role in sustaining the health of all human tissues including brain and other vital organs. Your age and workout can indicate the naturally less production of this hormone and supplements will benefit in it before going to bed.

Energy Supplements

Energy Supplements

Energy Supplements: You need more energy to train and would help for more workouts and help your muscles to grow. These supplements can affect you in weight loss. You should always be careful while selecting the supplement.



Caffeine: Caffeine is there with you from morning till evening. It wakes you brain by blocking up the brain chemicals related with sleep. It grounds your heart to beat faster and increase muscle blood flow. Researchers identify that if you take caffeine before resistance training, it improves the reps done and overall strength. You should not take caffeine more, it should be in a limit.



Creatine: Creatine is the bread and butter for the gym passionate people. It is the combination of three amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. As the main energy source, it gives the body adenine –tri phosphate (ATP). It increases the levels of reps by helping you get stronger and bigger. It is also good in hydrating your muscle cells which improves recovery and anility to build size.

Recovery Using Nutritional Supplements

You should take supplements in addition with your diet. They will be a great help with your workout.

Whey Protein

Whey Protein

Whey Protein: It is observed by the researchers that this remodeling process is hastened by as much as 33 percent when you take a whey protein shake after workout. It is easy to go by the shake. Shakes are easy to have if you are on the way, somewhere out you can easily access it. Whey protein should be taken instantly after workout.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil

Fish Oil: Fish oil is in a big competition, people preferred it between various other oils. Other supplements such as krill oil, chia oil and flaxseeds oil are also people’s choices. It’s fatty acids are affluent in omega-3 vitamins and strengthen your cells membranes, reduce irritation and increase blood flow to your brain. It majorly assist in repairing the damage done by the muscles after workout.

As the conclusion, now you are aware of the supplements and how they affect your body. So keeping you hassle free we provide you a detailed 12 months schedule. Your satisfaction is primary for us.



Benefits of Amino Acids

Benefits of Amino Acids

Amino Acids

Amino Acids

Protein is believed to be the Holy Grail of nourishment for the fitness freaked people. Amino acids are the building blocks of the body. Amino acids are vital nutrients that the body obtains from proteins found in food, meat, dairy products and legumes. They include leucine, isoleucine and valine. Amino acid is a nutrient decisive for muscle maintenance, tissue repair, immunity and control on all body’s processes. You should consume amino acids in the form of whole food proteins preferably through supplements. Amino acids supplements offer health and fitness benefits. There are 20 different amino acids in various combinations present in human body. Supplements which contain all the amino acids can serve as a substitute for this macronutrient. These supplements can be beneficial in illness or when one is recovering from an injury and the need of protein are eminent. Now a day branched-chain amino acid supplements are in trend into the bodybuilding and fitness community. BCAA is a really helpful in maintaining muscle mass on a calorie free diet.

Benefits of Amino Acids

Benefits of Amino Acids

Catabolic Crisis

Catabolic Crisis

Catabolic Crisis: Dieting is catabolic, which can lead to muscle breakdown. The muscle loss occurs as the body increases protein breakdown (catabolism) in order to release muscle amino acids for fuel. The muscle mass of the body is amalgam by the levels of protein synthesis will also decrease due to reduced energy intake. You can calculate the muscle mass by

Muscle Mass= Rate of protein synthesis – Rate of protein breakdown

Rate of protein synthesis

Rate of protein synthesis

According to this equation if the rate of synthesis is equal to the rate of breakdown then you don’t gain or lose muscle. If the rate of synthesis is greater than the rate of breakdown, you gain muscle and when the rate of breakdown is greater than rate of synthesis, you lose muscle. The metabolic effect of dieting is compounded by the work out.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched-Chain Amino Acids: BCAA is a supplement that contains protein subset, particularly amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three amino acids form most of the skeletal muscle and they play an important role in exercise efficiency and muscle recovery, while and after the work out. Whey protein is found in milk which is a rich source of leucine, isoleucine and valine. These fitness benefits are also provided by Branched-chain amino acid supplements. Some people use BCAA to prevent fatigue and improve concentration. Athletes use it to improve exercise performance and reduce protein and muscle break down during exercise. BCAA inspire the building of protein in muscle and reduce muscle breakdown.

BCAAs and Whey

BCAAs and Whey

BCAAs and Whey: BCAA has various benefits, people suggested it but they are worried about its price. They are overpriced and so people prefer whey protein. You should consume more whey to get BCAA as it is less effective. Whey protein is fast in digestion but it still takes time for all the amino acids to be progressive and absorbed into the bloodstream.  Instead of that BCAA supplement is free form, need no digestion and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

Delicious Whey Protein Recipes

Delicious Whey Protein Recipes

Delicious Whey Protein Recipes

Delicious Whey Protein Recipes

You can have whey protein in different tasty ways. You all know when milk has been curdled and strained to create cheese, the by-product released is a thin white liquid called whey or plasma milk. Whey is believed to be highly nutritious as a beverage and in the past was served in the coffee house. In the health and slimming industry whey is refer as a functional food because of its nutritional qualities. You can acquire whey either as liquid or as dehydrated powder. Whey is available in market as health supplement in different flavors.

Some of the delicious recipes containing whey protein

Some of the delicious recipes containing whey protein

Now we will see some of the delicious recipes containing whey protein.

·         Whey Soup: First we will see the magic of whey in soup. You all know soup is an appetizer, now you can have a soup with extra health. In this soup you can use whey in the natural form as it is separated from milk in the process of forming cheese. This recipe is for four servings and will be ready in ten minutes.

Ingredients:        2 tea spoon oil

                            1 ½ tea spoon cumin seeds (jeera)

                            2 slit green chillies

                            3 cups whey

                            Salt add to taste

                            2 tablespoon chopped coriander (dhania)

                            ½ cup cottage cheese (paneer), cut into small cubes

You can get 4 cups of whey from 1 ½ liters of milk.

Whey Soup

Whey Soup

Method: First heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan and add cumin seeds to it. When the seeds crackle, add the green chillies, whey, salt and pepper. Stir them well and boil it. Now add cottage cheese and coriander, stir well and sim the gas for 30 seconds. Last but not the least your soup is ready to be served.

·         Hara bhara soup (Green soup): Hara bhara soup or green soup is a rich healthy and delicious soup. It is a good combination of spinach and whey. A health and tasty appetizer.

Ingredients:        ½ cup green peas

                            1 potato

                            6 French beans

                            3 tablespoon grated carrot

                            5 cottage cheese cubes

                            1 tomato

                            2 tablespoon spinach

                            1 piece of ginger

                            3 cloves of garlic

                            1 tablespoon onions

                            Whey water

                            Black pepper powder

                            Salt to taste

Hara Bhara Soup

Hara Bhara Soup

Method: First boil the green peas and potato. Now make a paste of boiled green peas, potato, ginger, garlic, onion with some water. Cut the French beans into small round pieces. Cut the cottage cheese into cubes. Keep aside the whey water separated from the cheese. Now start the process of making a delicious and healthy soup. Take the butter in the pan and fry the beans and grated carrot for few minutes. Then add the paste and mix, now add cheese cubes, salt to taste and black pepper, now stir it properly. Boil them in whey water, add spinach and tomatoes now boil them again.  Now serve it hot.

·         Sugar-free cashew burfee: This is a very simple and tasty recipe full of nutrition. Generally cashew burfee is made up of cashews and sugar but here you can see the cashew burfee without sugar.

Ingredients:        1 cup cashew nuts soaked in water overnight

                            ¼ cup vanilla whey protein powder

Sugar-free cashew burfee

Sugar-free cashew burfee

Method: It’s easy to make it. Firstly take out the cashew nuts from water and mix cashew and protein powder in a grinder. Then take it out in a dish, press it down and placed it in the fridge for few hours. After taking out from the fridge cut it into pieces. A delicious and healthy burfee is ready to eat.

·         Protein Besan Ladoo: Besan ladoo is a traditional Indian sweet dish made of chickpea flour, ghee, sugar and cardamom. May be this recipe won’t taste as good as the original ladoo but it’s an alternative for the people who are watching their diet.

Ingredients:        1 tablespoon ghee

                            1 cup chickpea flour

                            1 cup water

                            1-2 tablespoon sugar

                            ¼ cup vanilla whey protein

                            1 tablespoon cardamom

Protein Besan Ladoo

Protein Besan Ladoo

Method: First heat the ghee in a pan. Then add the chickpea flour and roast it on low medium flame. Keep on stirring it until it changes to light brown    color and start smelling like roasted chickpeas. When it is browned, add water and sugar. Again stir it for two minutes, so that all water is absorbed and mixture becomes fluffy. Remove from heat and wait till it is cool. Add cardamom and whey protein powder to it. Now make them round like small balls, besan ladoos are ready to eat.

·         Banana Shake Recipe: Banana shake is the healthiest nutritional drink. Banana shake is excellent for people who require adequate protein for their growth. Now you can have a look on the banana shake recipe.

Ingredients:        2 bananas (ripe and broken into pieces)

                            1 tablespoon honey

                            ½ cup milk

                            1 scoop whey protein powder (flavor according to your choice)

                            4-5 almonds

                            10-12 ice cubes

Banana Shake Recipe

Banana Shake Recipe

Method: First add all the ingredients into the blender. Blend the mixture till it is ultra smooth. Now add milk and ice as per your desire. You can serve chilled and healthy banana shake now.

·         Brisk scrambled eggs: As you all know egg itself is rich in proteins. Here you can see how you can add whey protein to your scrambled eggs and make it more powerful and energetic.

Ingredients:        6 eggs

                            ¼ cup milk

                            ½ scoop flavorless whey protein

                            Salt according to taste

                            Pepper (optional) according to taste

Brisk scrambled eggs

Brisk scrambled eggs

Method: Mix eggs and milk together in a bowl. Stir it till there is no lump in the mixture. Now add protein powder and mix it again. Scramble as usual on low medium flame. Add salt and pepper according to your taste. Serve hot and tasty eggs.



GM cricket bat material quality is the best in the out of world and it will be improved day by day. It is comes with Superior wood conditioning improves the stability and consistency of willow pre-production and A new paperless design process using state of the art CAD (Computer Aided Design). This SG bat has Blade crafting by advanced CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing). All GM English Willow bats are produced by our own craftsmen in our own factory in Nottingham, England using these industry-leading techniques.



There are four types of cricket bat.

  1. GM Zona F2 404 English Willow Cricket Bat
  2. GM Zona F2 Aura English Willow Cricket Bat
  3. GM Octane F2 606 English Willow Cricket Bat
  4. GM SIX 6 404 English Willow Cricket Bat
GM Zona F2 404 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Zona F2 404 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Zona F2 404 English Willow Cricket Bat

This bat from GM has a blade made of English willow that has exemplary endurance and the massive F2 edges aid you to make better shots. It is equipped with nine piece cane handle for good shock absorption with great handle control. SG Zona F2 404 bat has thick edges and curved blade and edge thickness is 38 to 42 mm. It contains 7 to 8 straight grains. The bat also has a knocked-in finish. It comes with large sweet sport. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1220 Gms

GM Zona F2 Aura English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Zona F2 Aura English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Zona F2 Aura English Willow Cricket Bat

This bat from GM has a blade made of English willow that has exemplary endurance and the massive F2 edges aid you to make better shots. It is equipped with nine piece cane handle for good shock absorption with great handle control. SG Zona F2 404 bat has thick edges and curved blade and edge thickness is 38 to 42 mm. It contains 3 to 6 straight grains. The bat also has a knocked-in finish. It comes with large sweet sport. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1220 Gms.

GM Octane F2 606 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Octane F2 606 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Octane F2 606 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM Octane Aura F2 Cricket Bat is made of fine grade English willow and with latest GM bat manufacturing technique known as F2. GM Octane Aura F2 is equipped with big bat edge known as F2 which gives more power and control on shots. It is equipped with durable toe guard and full body cover. With short handle and flat bat profile, this bat suitable for all-round bat performance. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1220 Gms.

GM SIX 6 404 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM SIX 6 404 English Willow Cricket Bat

GM SIX 6 404 English Willow Cricket Bat

Gm cricket bat is made from top quality prime English willow which will provide you outstanding performance with durability. This six6 404 bat has 6 to 11 straight grains. It comes with curved blade and thick edges with toe guard. It is suitable for professional and advance level players. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1220 Gms.















SS English willow cricket bat in Year 2015

SS English willow cricket bat in Year 2015

Year 2015, is recognizing as ICC Cricket world cup – playing at Australia. SS Cricket Bats are being used by most on Indian and other team members. SS Bats are known for its greater balance, perfect shape and super willow quality.

SS English willow cricket bat in Year 2015

SS English willow cricket bat in Year 2015

In this blog we shall explain the top most SS cricket bats:-

SS English willow cricket bat is made with top quality grade 1 English willow which will provide durable performance. These English cricket bats are equipped with nine piece Sarawak cane handle which offer you great flexibility. It has curved blade and thick edges which will be able for good sweet spot. SS cricket bat is finest hand crafted naturally air dried and exactly the same quality English willow as used for top players. This cricket bat comes with light weight and straight grains. SS bat is the choice of international level players.

There are five types of SS cricket bat.

  1. SS Slasher English Willow Bat
  2. SS Gold Edition English Willow Bat
  3. SS Vertu English Willow Bat
  4. SS Gutsy English Willow Bat
  5. SS legacy English Willow Bat


SS Slasher English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Slasher English Willow Cricket Bat


SS Slasher English Willow Bat

This cricket bat is made with hand selected grade B English willow material which will provide you durable performance and durability. It is equipped with nine piece Sarawak cane handle for good shock absorption with great handle control. SS Gutsy bat has thick edges and curved blade and edge thickness is 38 to 42 mm. It contains 7 to 8 straight grains. It comes with large sweet sport. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1220 Gms.


SS Gold Edition English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Gold Edition English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Gold Edition English Willow Bat

This cricket bat is made with Hand Crafted from Selected Naturally air dried Premium Grade 1 English willow which will provide you optimum performance with durability. It is equipped with Sarawak nine piece cane handle which provides you good shock absorption and power. SS Gold edition bat has thick edges and curved blade for good sweet sport. It contains 8 to 12 straight grains. SS bat comes with Lightweight design and Contoured edges. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1250 Gms.


SS Vertu English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Vertu English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Vertu English Willow Bat

This cricket bat is made with naturally air dried grade 1 English willow material which will provide you durable performance and durability. It is equipped with Sarawak nine piece cane handle which provides you good shock absorption and power. SS bat has thick edges for large sweet sport with big bulge and perfect power hitting ability. Thickness of its edges 40 mm. specially designed Scale Grip for the Bat Handle- for Control and Comfort. It contains 8 to 12 straight grains. It comes with. Weight of the bat is 1190 to 1250 gms.


SS Gutsy English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Gutsy English Willow Cricket Bat

SS Gutsy English Willow Bat

This cricket bat is made with Hand Crafted Naturally air dried Grade 3-4 English willow which will provide you durable performance and durability. It is equipped with Sarawak nine piece cane handle which provides you good shock absorption and power. SS Gutsy bat has thick edges and curved blade for good sweet spot. It contains 8 to 10 straight grains. It comes with big blog and power hitting performance. Weight of the bat is 1180 to 1250 gms.

SS legacy English Willow Cricket Bat

SS legacy English Willow Cricket Bat

SS legacy English Willow Bat


This cricket bat is made with super Grade 2 English willow which will provide you outstanding performance and durability. It is equipped with Sarawak nine piece cane handle which provides you good shock absorption and power. SS legacy bat has thick edges and curved blade for good sweet spot. It contains 8 to 11 straight grains. It comes with big blog and power hitting performance. Weight of the bat is 1180 to 1250 gms.