VICTOR Badminton Rackets Technology- Overview By Khelmart Team

Technology used in VICTOR Badminton Rackets:
This Blog will give the information about the technology used in Victor Badminton Rackets.
Following are the key points which makes victor badminton rackets unique and different:
Badminton Rackets are designed with octagonal shape frame. A special kind of material blending technique which uses the carbon x material with double x mould. With octagonal shape frame and special material , player feels almost zero torsion on badminton racket frame. Badminton Rackets are design , developed and tested with Korean National Team so anyone can guess the effort putted by Victor to develops the Badminton Rackets.
Sword is a technology in which frame is designed as diamond shape. It means , when frame comes in aerodynamic condition it cut through the air like sword. This technology gives perfect aerodynamic to badminton rackets .As aerodynamic of racket is perfect so its reduce the air resistance and give improved racket speed.
Brace Tec:
The rail on the down tube of the racket head stabilizes the frame while smashing. The braces on the t-joint strengthen it and absorb any additional vibration, reducing energy loss and transmission of unnecessary vibration through the arm and wrist.
Inside Wave MAGAN :
By folding a plain paper several time gives improve the strength to paper to hold the weight for longer time , this is the concept of “Inside Wave”. Waving inside the racket frame is a new and innovative technology which is introduces by VICTOR. It gives more strength to Badminton Racket Frame. It also improved the aerodynamics of the racket.
By Addition of carbon fibers on important and key areas of shaft give compact and less torsion feel. When Badminton Player hold this racket he’ll feel the superb control on racket.
By above mentions points it is obvious that VICTOR is used state of the art technology in badminton rackets design and developed. They have also putted lots of efforts on inventing new and unique concepts of racket engineering.
To feel it , you must try it once!.
To Buy Badminton Rackets Online In India Please visit

Yonex Badminton Shuttlecock Mavis 2000

This Post will give information on Yonex Badminton Shuttlecock Mavis 2000.

This Badminton  Shuttlecock is designed to suit the requirements of club and tournaments Players.Recovery time, and flight pattern is designed to suite the requirements of club level badminton players.Technical Details of Mavis 2000 Shuttlecock:

Recovery Time of Shuttlecock:

When Badminton Player smashes with Mavis 2000 it recover in .02 Sec Only. The Performance of Mavis 2000 is .005  sec slower than Yonex Feather Badminton Shuttlecock and at the same time it is .008 Sec faster than Ordinary Badminton Shuttlecock.The performance of Badminton Players are depends on shuttlecock types, player should chose it wisely , it means as per playing style and condition shuttlecock should be selected. It also important to understand the role of temperature on skirt performance. In cold , skirt become hard which become the break prone.

Badminton Shuttlecock-1 Khelmart

Badminton Shuttlecock-1 Khelmart

Flight Pattern:

Please see below table to understand the flight pattern of Badminton Shuttlecock properly.

Badminton Shutlecock @Khelmart

Badminton Shutlecock @Khelmart

Reference of the Blog:

Yonex Badminton Shuttlecock

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Review of Voltric Z Force Badminton Racket: Khelmart Expert Team Review

Features to Evaluate your Badminton Rackets – Online Shopping Check List

Yonex Badminton Shoes – Technical Detail by Khelmart Experts

Technical Details of Yonex Badminton Racket Nanoray 300

A new Racket is Launched By Yonex , Yonex Badminton Racket Nanoray 300. It is New additional into the head Light Series from Yonex Japan. As it is head Light Racket so it gives Fast Swing with control racket movement. Frame of the racket which is New Design aero dynamic help in providing fast and control swing. This Yonex Badminton Racket is designed for those players who wants to force there opponents into back court. This New Badminton Rackets is having thinner top side and Bottom side which gives maximum repulsion and stiffness. Basically this racket will give the better and improved head speed due to thinner frame and specially aerodynamically designed frame.
Yonex Badminton Rackets Nanoray 300 Review

Yonex Badminton Rackets Nanoray 300 Review

Some Technical Specification of the rackets are:
Flex of the Racket   : Stiff
Frame Material   :  H.M. Graphite
Shaft Material   : H.M. Graphite, NANOMESH + CARBON NANOTUBE
Wight of Racket  : 4U (80-84.9g)
Grip of  Racket  : G4,5
Color   :              Yellow
This Racket is developed on following technology:
1.Nenomesh and Carbon Tube
2.Isometric Shape
3.Super Slim Frame
4.New Grommets Patterns
5.Built in T Joint
6.Control Support CAP
Reference Post
Yonex Japan
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Review of Voltric Z Force Badminton Racket: Khelmart Expert TEam Review

When I tried this Badminton Racket I found the creativity and innovation putted during design and development by Yonex. It comes with innovative graphics . Color of the racket is a combination of matt finish in black or dark green and white with metallic lime green flashes.

Yonex Badminton Racket Z Force-Khelmart Rreview

Yonex Badminton Racket Z Force-Khelmart Rreview

Yonex also improved hologram to reduce the piracy and somehow they are getting the success up to a great extent. This Badminton Racket Consists of wide grip which gives comfort while handle it but for professional player it is obvious to take additional grip as per comfort level. Weight of Badminton Racket is around 3U to 4U.As is coming along with string so it is not giving the choosing to re-strung it however it is coming with Yonex BG 65 TI string which is comparatively pretty good string. Frame of racket is more stiffer while balance is heavy head which gives possibility to go for stronger string tension. Additional Stiffer Racket structure at top of racket frame gives control on Badminton Racket bending action. In fact its allow shuttle to stay on string bed for longer time. Fame in thinner which give more flex on frame and transfer more energy to shuttle. Following are some technical features which anyone should notice in this racket: Sound Filter Technology: This is a new technology developed by Yonex. In this Technology new materials are used in define position to reduce the high pitches and dull sound. With this technology Yonex claim to reduce 31 % vibration. On one hand racket vibration is reduced while on other hand it give a louder sound on shuttle hitting. Slim and Long Shaft: Yonex introduces the NANOPREME in racket shaft . With this innovation racket rebound quality improved significantly. My Comments on Racket Performance: Power and Control : Power Generated by this Badminton  racket is almost similar to Z Slash and voltric 80 which is already acknowledged by many badminton players. As Frame is small so it carry a smaller sweet spot but repulsion is rackets is more focused on sweet spot. Racket is having extra stiff shaft and sweet spot is focused in semi oval shape. Flex is controlled which make shuttle placement excellent. Extra stiffer shaft give accurate placement of shuttle during power smashes. Defense : It is a heavy head Badminton racket but while we test it we have not feel any problem in returning the shuttle specially in backhand shot. As per my experience it is perfectly ok for defense (Backhand and forehand shot) Conclusion : This is an example of excellence by Yonex . Advance technology for professional badminton players. Extra stiff shaft gives more control on smashed and placement. Sweet spot is smaller but more focus and repulsive means you can prepare yourself more quickly for next shot. Racket is being used by many Profession Badminton Player on international level. World number once seed player Li Chung Wi is also playing with this racket

Visit YONEX Voltric Z Force at Khelmart .

Material used in a Badminton Rackets -Khelmart Review

 Features to Evaluate your Badminton Rackets – Online Shopping Check List

Yonex Tennis Rackets Technology @

Material used in a Badminton Rackets -Khelmart Review

Materials used for making a Badminton Racket must be of superior quality that will be able to provide you a best Badminton Rackets. Some of the materials given here that will help you choosing a good Badminton Racket.

Muscle Power Frame Khelmart

Muscle Power Frame

Wood: The Badminton Rackets made from wood were being heavy in weight and the players could not be able to hit powered shot. The wooden Badminton Rackets were also not durable. The manufacturing time was more that caused high in cost. That’s why it was refused by the players.
Steel:  Steel made Badminton Rackets are then be used instead of wooden Badminton Rackets. Steel provided durability and strength too. Also the manufacturing time was less and comparatively cost decreased. From a single piece of steel, Badminton Rackets had been cast. Now a days, steel made Badminton Rackets cheapest but are often combined with magnesium and other metals mixed in with the iron and carbon.
Carbon Fibre: Carbon fiber is also known as Graphite fiber. This is a crystalline Carbon fiber that has an ability to twist or weave together. This material made a revolution in many areas including aeronautics, sports equipments, sports cars etc. This increases the cost of the Badminton Rackets. It has a property of strength as well as providing light weight property. This property turned into a ideal material for the Badminton Rackets.
Aluminium: As the time passes, new metal series are discovered, Aluminium comes in this series. Although this metal is not much strong as steel is, yet its much light weight feature makes this metal suitable for Badminton Racket. Also it is having the ability of exerting more power on the shuttle cock. That’s why it is the most popular choice. It is also cast from a single piece of metal. It lies between the cost of very cheap steel made Badminton Rackets and very expensive carbon fibre Badminton Rackets.
Other materials: There are some more materials that are used in making  Badminton Rackets, but these are not as widely used because of higher in cost and also rarely available. These materials are titanium, boron, ceramics, and some other composite alloys. The quality of these materials are not as good as carbon fiber materials.
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Features to Evaluate your Badminton Rackets – Online Shopping Check List

Features to evaluate your badminton rackets.
There are some things that make you sure the badminton racket u have purchased is a good one at any point of view. There are mainly 6 factors those must be considered when going to pay for a Badminton Racket.
1. Weight of the Badminton Rackets: Although experienced players want to pick heavy models for power smashes, yet Lightweight Badminton rackets are preferred by the beginners as they provide full of control. Light weight Badminton Rackets gives you chance to make easy. So this is the basic factor to be considered.
Khelmart Badminton Rackets Details
2.Head Shape: A Badminton Racket must has a isometric head shape, because in isometric head shape badminton racket, the grommet pattern provides more grommet for the strings that will cause increase the area of the sweet spot  so that we could get better performance even off centre smash shots.
3.String Tension: High String tension offers a better stability to a shuttle cock for a long time on a tight string bed, this type of characteristic of the Badminton Rackets are mostly adorable by most of the experienced players for exact positioning of the shuttle cock. The thickness of the string also effect the playing style.
4.Shaft:Shaft should be flexible so that while you hit, you should feel comfort. Although some experienced players prefer stiffed shaft for power smash shots, yet it is most suitable for beginners.
5.Balancing Point: The area between the handle and the frame is known as balancing point. This must be consider while purchasing a badminton racket. High balancing point offers more power while lower balancing point badminton racket provides better control.
6.Grip Size: Grip Size is also known as the diameter of the Badminton Racket’s handle. Basically Grip size is only depends on player’s comfort means how large the diameter of the racket, a players can hold easily. But one thing that is considerable. Small grip can be make larger by adding some over grips, but larger grip can not be make smaller, so for my point of view, smaller grip size badminton racket is good.
You can consider as India’s Trusted Online Sports Company for Buying Badminton Rackets in India.

Some Factors for Choosing Badminton Rackets By Online Shopping Process in India

Choosing Badminton Rackets online is a great option for saving your time as well as your money. But the main factor arrives in this is from where we can get a good Badminton Rackets?
Here we are giving you some points that will really help you in choosing Badminton Rackets buy online, that would be cheaper as well as having a good quality and even you would feel satisfaction that you are not being cheated.

Badminton Rackets

Badminton Rackets

1.Quality of the Badminton Rackets : You should keep in mind that you must spend up to 2000/- Rs. for a good quality Badminton Racket. Lesser the price will reduce the quality of the racket.
2.Auction Sites : There are various popular auction sites that give you Badminton Rackets in a good price, Khelmart is Trusted Online Sports Shop In India Which Provides Variety of Sports Goods Option at competitive Prices. The main and good thing about these auction sites are its return policy, means if u think the purchased badminton racket is not as good as you think, you can just replace that racket.
The benefit of shopping Badminton Racket by online is : You can buy Badminton Racket as per your interest of expenditure. Online shopping make you available a Branded New Badminton Racket easily even when you didn’t find that at your living place.
Some online shopping sites make you sure that there will be no transportation charges and even you can also pay after getting your ordered product.
You can also visit another sites for buying Badminton Rackets, that will give you more discount on branded items. It depends only on you how you get best deal with Badminton Rackets from online shopping.

Yonex Badminton Shoes – Technical Detail by Khelmart Experts

Yonex comprised a series of Yonex Badminton Shoes that uses a most advanced technologies in this footwear for ensuring the great protection to user’s feet. These technologies are manipulated for reducing muscles fatigue. It converts impact energy into additional power for smooth movement. It absorbs shock load on feet as well as on ankles with the help of power cushion used in.

Yonex Badminton Shoes @ Khelmart

SHBF1LTD is one of the most widespread Yonex badminton shoes specially preferred by the Denmark’s Peter Hoeg Gade , Howard Bach (USA) , Sony Dwi Kuncoro (INA). It is available in black and golden colour
There are 3-layered power cushion that’s hard two layers ( top and bottom) absorb 30%  more shock with respect to an ordinary power cushion and supply 5% more repulsion for enhancing the energy. Its middle layer is soft and having a capability to come back into the original form quickly after absorbing  a great shock as it adapts shock energy and transmits in the form of power .
The outer look of the shoes is assembled by 5 segments. Generally it is of 7 segments in conventional shoes. Thus reducing the no. of segments diminish the weight of the shoes and improve the performance by light feelings. Hyper msLite  means mid Badminton Shoes sole is 10%  more lighter, that gives more durability and comfort also. Round shape sole is designed for delivering optimum power and smooth movement. For reducing the weight of the shoes and increasing the stability, a very light plate of graphite is placed in between the middle portion of the foot. The out sole of this shoes is of rubber made. Yonex reduced this area and gave a lightness. It gave a closer and comfort fit in forefoot and in the toe area.
Hexagrip pattern is provided at the Badminton Shoes sole  to ensure the 3% more grip ability and 20% more lighter than an ordinary grip pattern. Double Russel mesh used on the upper side is basically a kind of mesh that acts like a ventilator, that passed away the moisture. Tough guard III is 3 times stronger than a synthetic leather used for making ordinary shoes. It is very useful against sweat, heat and thus provides prolonged comfort and therefore performance .

Review of Yonex badminton racket Arcsaber series

  A new series comes in a queue of Yonex badminton racketsis Arcsaber series. The badminton rackets of this series are capable of making a precise shot by storing and then releasing the energy. That’s why it is the most preferable Yonex badminton rackets series. Here we are going to introduce a badminton racket named Arcsaber Z-slash.



Z-slash badminton racket is having sleek body specially designed for smoothed the high speed shots and the smashes. In this type of badminton racket, when considering the sides of the badminton racket, the frame elasticity is enhanced by the CS Carbon nanotubes particles that holds the shuttle cock on the string at the time of hitting.



The CS Carbon nanotubes are responsible for improving the flexibility that gives restriction to deform the badminton’s frame . This increases the durability of the badminton racket.



Isometric frame equalizes the length of the string and this enlarges the area of the sweet spot so that it could give more consistent accuracy that is useful in off-center shot. New style of grommet pattern provides more hole grommet for more string performance.



The another advantage of this badminton racket is its built in solid feel core,



that is necessary for rejecting all the vibrations during the hitting time. This is the first Yonex badminton racket with compact frame with super slim long shaft,


bad-tech-Compact-FrameIt is generally used for reducing air resistance. Quick swing of the shuttle cock is provided by its both (aero and the box) frame technology.bad-tech-AERO-BOX-Frame.Khelmart

Built-in T-joint technology used in its frame is capable of increasing the stability and the performance as well.



It is made by light weight plastic mixed with foaming substitute and epoxy resins.

Ultra poly ethylene fibre is used for making the shaft of this badminton racket, this makes badminton racket as light as float in the water.  This badminton racket is capable of absorbing the maximum forces.



For reducing air resistance and thus provide easily movable handling, Yonex designed octahedron shaped control support cap



This is the fantastic badminton racket with more technologies used in. That’s why Taufik Hidayat and Chien Yu Chin preferred this racket.