Yonex Badminton Rackets Technology – Khelmart Report 01:

Yonex Rackets Technology
Nanoscince enable accurate Rackets Function at molecule level. NANOSCINCE is a high performance molecule bond between fullerene and
carbon nanoparticel. With the help of this molecule bond, Badminton Racket will be :
1.Ultra Light Weight
4.More Stable , More Power and Swing


Isometric Shape in Badminton Racket Enabled the equalized length of Main and Cross String. With this type of  specific shape in Badminton Rackets Provide the enlarge sweet spot.
Isometric Shape of Yonex Badminton Rackets khelmart

Isometric Shape


Muscle Power Frame:
Frame of Muscle Power Badminton Rackets enabled string to go through in rounded archways.
Followings are the Benefits of this shape:
1.Eliminate the Stress Load
2.Eliminate the Fatigue
3.Create Unite of String
4.Closer and Tighter Frame Contact
Muscle Power Frame Khelmart

Muscle Power Frame

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Guide for Badminton Rackets String Tension

Guide for Badminton Rackets String Tension:

Most of the Badminton Racket Manufactures are selling the Badminton Rackets in pre-strung condition. There are various advantages of buying pre-strung Badminton Rackets: Pre Strung Badminton Rackets Come along with Recommended String Tension. Pre Strung Badminton Rackets are prepared as per standard process guideline and with defined skill set. Badminton Rackets are generally strung with a tension between 18lb to 30lb. Professional Badminton players always like higher tension strung rackets. If you want to Re-Strung you Badminton Rackets then you need to select the sting carefully .There are Various Badminton strings are available in market. Each with their relative benefits. For Ex. Natural Gut is a type of a String which is used by most of the professional player. This Badminton string is relatively costly. Another type of Badminton String is Multifilament strings – sometimes called synthetic gut. It is also common type and extensively used by professional players. If you compare the durability of Multifilament String and Natural Gut then multifilament Gut is less durable so players who used change string on regular basis would prefer the multifilament string. String thinness is also impact the playing characteristics . Thicker Badminton string provides more control while thinner Badminton String provide more Power. Selecting your Badminton Racket tension is a balancing act.

Badminton String Tension Khelmart

Badminton String Tension Khelmart

Low tension will causes shuttle to spring off the racket off the racket at a greater speed (a sling shot effect is created as the shuttlecock sinks into the strings and is then repelled of the string bed), therefore providing greater power. Rackets strung at higher tension on the other hand do not create the sling-shot, but give greater control enabling greater emphasis on direction.

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  1. Guide For Badminton Rackets Balance
  2. Guide for Badminton Rackets Weight

Guide For Badminton Rackets Balance

Guide For Badminton Rackets Balance :
Balance  of Badminton Rackets technically known as Racket weight Distribution. Badminton Rackets Weight is not equally  distributed along it length. Different Badminton Rackets Manufactures are doing lots of research work to get optimum weigh distribution. To understand the Badminton Rackets Balance , Let us find out its types:
Basically Rackets Balance is divided into three categories :
Heavy Head Badminton  Rackets:
As its name depicts , the weight of the Badminton Rackets is concentrated on head side , this type of rackets are often lighter in nature. With having Head heavy rackets in hand , you will get good manoeuvrability while you needn’t to compromise on power. Rackets with Head heavy balance are good for developing players as it is having lightweight design.
Evenly Head Badminton  Rackets:
It is also known as mid balance . Its consists of natural weight distribution or in other way you can say that weight is evenly distributed along the racket length. Evenly balance rackets allow you to play shot with more flexibility and faster. This type of rackets are suitable for round court play.
Light  Head Badminton  Rackets:
Head light Badminton Rackets are having weight concentrated to handle area.  With nanoechnology , weight is easily transfer to handle without putting extra weight to frame. Head light rackets can make the frame feel lighter and aid faster swinging, giving them greater power and manoeuvrability. Head light rackets are especially advantageous amongst
players who spend most of their time at the net due to the greater.
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Guide for Badminton Rackets Weight:

Guide for Badminton Rackets Weight
As per Standard Badminton Rackets Practice , Size of Badminton Rackets are fix , around (680mm Long X 230 mm wide) . While size of the badminton Rackets are same but weight of rackets vary as different manufactures uses different material and manufacturing technique to produce “sate of the art badminton racket”.
If you are a professional Badminton Player then it is worth to mention that rackets weight play a crucial role in Racket Selection Check List. Badminton Rackets Weight vary from 80gms to 100 gms. Thanks to Modern Rackets Technology , nowadays rackets are very lightweight . As per Yonex badminton Standard guide , Badminton Wight measurement criteria refer “U”. Weight of Badminton Rackets vary from 2U , 3U to 4 U.
2U – 90 gms and Over
3U –  85-89.9 gms
4U – 80-84.9
 If you wish to buy racket of 4U range then you need deep pocket . 4U range rackets are lighter and have specialized  material property.
As a player which racket is suitable ?  Answer is depends on playing style and body type. Heavier Badminton Rackets give powerful shot but you need to compromise on racket swing speed . Heavier Rackets are suitable for strong players. The Player equipped with heavier racket should know how to utilize it effectively. Here are some points:
1.Player should know how to produce  quick racket swing speed.
2.Player should know how to capitalize the extra racket weight for producing movement and power
If you are good enough to capitalize above mention points then enjoy the game with heavier racket.
Lighter weight rackets are very popular and it is a common chose amongst the players. Lighter weight rackets provide extended manoeuvrability. It allow player to move racket faster and swing quickly .Now if a player is able to swing racket quickly then he or she can get the racket head to the shuttlecock quicker. Racket swing is very important in power shot and smashes.
So as summary we can say that racket weight is very important parameter while you go for Badminton Racket shopping.
Consider your playing style and body type  and select best amongst all.
Happy Playing
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Saina Nehwal on YONEX Badminton Racket NANORAY

Saina - Badminton Player - INDIA- Khelmart.com

Saina – Badminton Player – Indai – Khelmart.com

This is the MECCA of badminton tournaments of the world. As per the words of Saina , I waited a whole year to participate in this esteemed tournament. I am keen and eager to win this tournament,” Saina Nehwal commented about the YONEX All England Open Badminton Championship, which starts in early March. “It is like a dream come true to play in the tournament. I’m doing very hard practice under the expertise of my coach Sh P Gopi Chand Ji. We are fully concerned about the standard of this tournament,” Saina stated. Equipped with her Yonex Badminton Racket NANORAY 700RP racquet, Saina advanced to the final of the Superseries Finals in December 2011. “Because my equipment of the game Badminton Racquet is super quality, it gives me better reflexes, strength and accuracy, that won several Superseries titles. I reached the final of the Superseries Finals because I was equipped with the best Badminton  Racquet from YONEX. My Badminton Shoe was extremely cozy and the dress was so elegant that it makes me a world class player.” Saina’s first impression of  NANORAY was not only that the racquet is light weight, but it also has great return power. She added, “My racquet NANORAY is so great that I execute all the shots and cuts very accurately. It gives me better force and reflexes and it suits my game of power, which is my trademark. The Badminton Racquet includes all the latest cutting edge qualities for the badminton game, so I like it. It instills me with power to come out a winner in most of the tournaments. I want to win for my country in badminton and YONEX helps me in this pursuit. That is why I prefer to use YONEX equipment.” She continued with, “YONEX gives me moral support. I am not worried about any discrepancy in my endeavor to play badminton. YONEX takes care of me like my parents, such as clothing, food, kits and moral support of immense value. My talent is sharpened because I am abiding by YONEX!” The most prestigious tournament in the world is coming soon. Please check out Saina’s fast play at Birmingham.

ARCSABER Z-SLASH Badminton Rackets – smash speed of 421 km/h is certificated as the world record!!

World Record with Yonex Badminton Racket ARCSABER Z-SLASH 421 KM/Hr. This the official News by Yonex Co. Ltd , JAPAN , World Record for fastest smash is recoded by Tan Boon Heong (Malaysia) and the speed of the smash was 421 Km/Hr , 261 mph. It is also recoded in Guinness World Book. This smash is hit using Yonex Badminton Racket ARCSABER Z-SLASH. ARCSABER Z-SLASH is new generation Badminton Racket by Yonex, it is very slim in shape , because of it slim shape it reduces the Air resistance and provide maximum smash speed. YONEX CO. , recoded this moment in Sept-2009 with ultrahigh speed camera, This kind of camera is having capability to shoot 20000 exposure in a second.

Yonex Arcsaber Z-Slash - Khelmart

Yonex Arcsaber Z-Slash – Khelmart

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Drive Shot with Yonex Badminton Racket NANORAY

While Play Drive Shot in Badminton Game , we all know that it is very important to play this shot care fully and it is a shot which can assure you the
wining point. Processional Player play drive shot very fast and quick , they practice it very well , and  always try to improve the skill. With Yonex Badminton Racket NANORAY Series , you can play such shot very fast and quick , This Type of  Yonex Badminton Rackets is having head-light (Pl Visit Basics of Badminton ) . With head-light type of, Player can play Badminton Shot very quick and fast.
Please see below some comment by Japanese Players :
Name: Kumiko Ogura
Country: Japan
Status: 2007 BWF World Championships Women’s Doubles Bronze medalist
“The drive shot is essential to take the initiative in a match. It helps you turn defense into attack and win. I use the drive shot to outmaneuver opponents rather than trying to hit aces. I believe players need to look at using the drive shot as an important part of their game.”Name: Shizuka Matsuo
Country: Japan
Belong to: Panasonic
World Ranking: No. 11 in the Women’s Doubles (as of August 2nd)
“The drive shot can be used as a tactic for switching from defense to attack.
I aim to hit my ideal drive shot flight trajectory, where the shuttlecock goes straight down at a sharp angle at great speed just over the net.
If you want to win, it’s important to keep practicing the drive shot.”Name: Kimiko Jinnai
Country: Japan
Status: 1991 YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships Women’s Doubles Runner-up
“I think that the drive shot can be used for both offense and defense. It’s like the body blow in boxing.
It’s easy for me to produce smashes after I’ve pressurized the opponent with relentless drive shots.“

At Khelmart.com we have variety of option for Nanoray Series:
Yonex Badminton Racket NanoRay 20-khelmart.com

Yonex Badminton Racket NanoRay 20-khelmart.com

Yonex Badminton Racket NanoRay 100

Yonex Badminton Racket NanoRay 100-khelmart.com

Yonex Badminton Racket NanoRay 100-khelmart.com

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Badminton Rackets and Smashes:

Badminton Rackets and Smashes:
If you are a badminton player and if I asked question that which is your favorite Badminton shot that answer would be common .i.e. Badminton Smash.
Now how to Play and how to improve the Badminton Smash is again a common question. Play Smash with Badminton Rackets is all about technique and training.
Two Very Important parameters which play crucial role are :
1.Direct of Smash
2.Power in Smash
 Apart from this you should also know :
1.Where to hit the shuttle
2.Placement of shuttle
Badminton Smash Technique- Khelmart.com

Badminton Smash Technique- Khelmart.com

To get perfect direction of smash , you need court awareness  , Body Position and most importantly leading arm, You could not control the any of these , it means
you can not give proper direction to your badminton smash with your badminton Rackets.
To generate the power in your smashes , you need more strengthen muscles. Mainly shoulder and forearm muscle are important while play badminton smash.
You need to workout in order to gain more muscle power, it is important to take proper training.
To make a proper contact between shuttle and Badminton Rackets you need be in proper position , it mean always play shot behind the shuttle. So Make the
Badminton Rackets and Shuttle contact from front.
Further in order to get proper position while play shot, you need speed and fitness level for moving one direction to another direction. You will  also
need to ensure that your feet are in a ‘front to back’ formation with your weight forwards so that the thrust can be made from the back leg which will propel you
forwards as you hit and follow through with the smash.
Finally , you can also improve your Badminton smash Technique  by watching you Badminton Rackets and Shuttle contact , It will really help a lot.
If you want to Buy Badminton Rackets Online in India Please visit our main website www.khelmart.com
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Injuries with Badminton Rackets:

Injuries with Badminton Rackets: We all know hat badminton is game where badminton rackets play crucial role . In the game of Badminton players put lots of effort during smashes  . Some time players used to play shots in wrong position or use some wrong badminton Racket which cause injuries in shoulder. This action could become chronic shoulder problems. To avoid the injuries and stay fit ,we need to understand the Badminton Rackets Science. In this post we shall give you some tips by which you can actually avoid serious Badminton Rackets injuries.

Yonex Badminton Racket Voltric 80 LTD-khelmart.com

Yonex Badminton Racket Voltric 80 LTD-khelmart.com

Lets us understand the basics of work. As we all know that work is energy which is required to generate the shuttle speed. It means if we want to generate the more shuttle speed then we need to do more work. It is obvious that during badminton game we would like to put less work and on other hand we need more shuttle speed. So we can say , the Best badminton Racket in one which generate more shuttle speed by putting less work. The research has proved that the best type of racquet to use to attain maximum power is one that is heavy with a head light balance. More mass placed close to the handle allows makes it easier to swing

How to Prevent Injuries while dealing with badminton rackets:

Add extra weight to Handle , it is looks very simple but require experience. Put some extra grip into handle and you will get extra weight on handle and at same time you’ll improve your grip. Excessive grip on handle could change the balance of Badminton Racket .You need to be careful while adding extra grip on Handel. Lead tape is another good weapon which in case used in scientifically manner could improve your  efficiency and at same time can reduce the chances of injuries. Many players try to apply this tape on head of the badminton Rackets. This practice some time gives adverse impact because it create head heavy shape. Now we know that head heavy shape rackets are difficult to swing and could create shoulder injuries. So if you are planning to  buy lead tape then better to use on Handle rather then head.

See How to Select Badminton Rackets