Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein Vs Dymatize Elite Whey

About Comparison:

At Khelmart, we got lots of email for doing a systematic comparison on two popular whey proteins brand, named as Dymatize Elite Whey Protein and Optimum Gold Standard whey protein. Both the Brands are very popular in body building & sports health drinks communities. On Gold Standard is a product from Optimum Nutrition which gives best results while on other end Dymatize Elite is very popular and cost effective. Both the brand claim to give best results but user needs to identify the benefits of individual. In this blog we shall compare the Nutrition fact and price values to validate the brand popularity. This comparison is based on data and statistics available by manufacturer.

Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein

Parameters for Comparison of Whey Protein Supplements:

In this comparison we have taken the 5 Lbs Size boxes of ON Gold Standard and Dymatize Elite Whey Protein.

ON Gold Standard Whey Protein Dymatize Elite Whey Protein
Container Size in LBS 5 5
Nos of Servering in  5 Lbs Box 73 67
Serving Size in GMs 31 34
Protein Per Serving 24 25
Protein Per Gms 0.77 0.74
CarboHydrate in Gms 3 2
Total Fat 1.5 3
Calories 120 130
Price in USD as on Sept-2015 (USD $) 106 86

Comparison of Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein - Main

Following are the critical parameters:

Serving Per Box of 5Lbs:

Comparison of Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein - Nos of Serving

This parameter shows the numbers of serving you’ll get per box. For example, In ON Gold Standard 100% Whey, you will get 73 serving per box while on Dymatize Elite, you’ll get 67 serving per box.

By analyzing this data we can conclude that, ON Gold Standard is having 6 more serving per box. So we can summarize that ON Gold Standard 100% whey will give you more serving per box as compare to Dymatize Elite Whey Protein.

Protein per Serving:

Comparison of Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein - Nos of Serving

This parameters shows the amount of protein in gms which you will get by consuming one serving of whey protein supplement. By comparing the two supplements we found that Dymatize elite will give you 25 gms of protein per serving while ON Gold Standard will give you 24 gms of protein per serving. We all know that these supplements are consumed for taking the protein as primary source. Now we are getting 1 extra grams of protein per serving in Dymatize elite. But at the same time we need to check the serving size. In Next step we shall explain the concept of serving size and its impact.

Serving Size:

Comparison of Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein -Serving Size

Serving size is very important in whey protein comparison. Any Protein supplement which is offering more protein gms but the serving size is more than it doesn’t mean that it is good supplement for athlete, we also need to check the no of serving and serving size and then this data should be compared with overall pricing of supplement.

Coming back to two supplements comparison. Serving size of ON Gold Standard is 31 Gms while for Dymaize it 34 gms. It means that you need to consume additional 3 gms of Dymatize Elite to get additional 1 gms of protein.

Protein per Gms:

Comparison of Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein - Protein Per Gms

By comparing the 3 data .i.e. Serving Size , Protein Per serving and serving per box , we can calculate the protein we will get per gms of whey protein supplement. In On Gold Standard we will get .77 gms of protein per per gms of supplement while Dymatize will give you .74 gms of protein. By comparing both the data we can say the On Gold standard will provide you additional .03 gms of protein per gms of supplement.

Cost of Supplement:

Comparison of Dymatize Elite Whey Vs Optimum Gold Standard Whey Protein - Protein Price

Dymatie Elite will give cost you USD 86$ While ON Gold Standard will cost $.

It means On Gold standard will cost you more.

Final Conclusion:

We need to check the cost effectiveness of Supplement. For Example ON Gold Standard will give you 24 Gms of Protein per serving and Nos of Serving are 73 so you’ll get  73X24 =1752 Gms of Proteins per 5 LbS Box of ON Gold Standard. While Dymatize Elite will give will give you 25 Gms of Protein per serving and Nos of Serving are 67 so you’ll get  67X25 =1675 Gms of Proteins per 5 LbS Box of ON Gold Standard.

ON Gold Standard Whey Protein 1752 Gms in 106$ USD   , per Gm of Protein Cost .06 USD

Dymatize Elite Whey Protein 1675 Gms in 86$ USD , per Gm of Protein Cost .051 USD

Buyer can see that Dymatize is offering more value of money and it is giving per gms protein cost as 051 USD.

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