Best Whey Protein Story

Whey Protein is a purest form of Protein which contains 9 most important amino acids out of 20.It is byproduct obtained from milk and cheese production. Whey Protein is an important health supplement for body builders and competitorand casual exercise at all levels. As it helps in rebuilding in muscle tissues and give strong bigger muscle with improves stamina, weight loss, and better bone growth and increase immunity power. Whey protein is a complete protein that is fast, easy to digest and absorb into body. It is also used for protein asthma, cancer, high cholesterol, HIV disease and allergic reaction. While Protein consumption is already known for its better results, researches proved the whey protein consumption in controlled way can also gives lots of benefits. Whey Protein powders consist of different characteristics which together gives a perfect health supplement. For Example Mixability represent the characteristics by which it can be easy mix with milk or liquid. If a health supplement powder is easy to mixable then it means it will give you better results. Whey Protein is the byproduct obtains during processing of cheese. Based on processing and amount protein, different type of whey protein is classified. Whey Protein concentrated is the base type protein and have minimum amount of protein in it. Whey isolate is the refined form while whey hydostate is the finest form of protein available in market. Based on Processing, protein amount, Fat and lactose content different types of whey Proteins are classified. In whole milk only 13% solid is available and in 13% solid only 27% protein is available.  Further, in 27 % only 20% whey Protein is available. WP health supplements are ready source of rich and pure protein and give quick results however it should be taken in controlled manner.

  Best whey protein History



What are the different Types of Whey Proteins – Complete Details

Protein supplements is the well known health related supplement in market due and due to its quick result it is gaining popularity among the body building community.

Some facts on Whey Protein:

  •          Cow Milk Contains 87% of water and 13% solid
  •          In 13% of Solid Portion ,only 27 % of protein is available
  •          In 27 % of Protein 20% of Whey and 80% of casein is available

Due to this small by product value of protein in whole milk, whey protein is treated as most expensive form of Protein.

Based on Protein processing, protein is classified into three categories:

Types of Whey Protein

Whey Protein Concentrate:

As its name indicates, it is concentrate form of Whey Protein.  WPC can be further categorized based on its quality:

  1.        Lower End Protein Concentrated  (contains 29 % of Protein )
  2.        Higher End protein Concentrated (contains 89 % of Protein )

Due to high percentage value of Protein (~89 %), Higher End Protein is treated as most suitable as dietary supplement for muscle building. This form of Protein is also suitable for easy flavored.

Whey Protein Concentrated

Whey Protein Isolate:

Whey Protein Isolate is pure form of protein and contain up to 90 % of Protein. It processed further to remove the fat and give you purest form of protein by definition. If you compare Whey Protein Isolate and whey Protein concentrate then in Whey Protein Isolate you’ll get less fat and lactose and more protein. Due to its processing, Protein Isolate is more expensive. To Process the whey concentrate to get the isolate, different companies are having there own processing method based on that only quality of whey is decided.

Whey Protein Isolate

Whey Protein Hydrolysate :

Hydrolysate protein is another refined form of protein after Protein Isolate. It is purest form of Protein available. Hydrolysate Proteins are easy to digest and give more insulin as compare to Whey concentrate and isolate (28% more). Studies show that insulin is more effective in pushing fuel into body muscles. Insulin is also helps in effective workout sessions. As Hydrolysate Protein is easy to digest so it gives more benefits in muscle building.

WHEY Protein Hydrolysate

Checkout Full range of Whey Protein at