The aim of achieving the muscle mass could be fulfilled by the workout and a healthy diet. Supplements as whey protein provide extra benefits; they help you to build the muscle mass quickly. Whey protein helps you to increase muscle mass, lower body fat or helps recover from sport and training. Now you can see the details of whey protein.
What is Whey protein: Whey is a protein separated from the milk. It is the watery portion of the milk that separates from the curds while making cheese. Milk is made of two proteins, casein and whey. You can separate whey protein from the casein in milk or formed as cheese. Whey protein is commonly ingested as a dietary supplement. Whey is the left over part of milk, while milk is coagulated during the process of cheese production. It is converted into powder which is added to shakes, meal replacements and protein bars. Whey protein is not so good in taste so they are generally flavored. The most popular flavors are chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. You can easily take 25-50 grams of protein daily by taking whey protein. This is important for bodybuilders and gym devotees, as well as people who need to lose weight or are simply lacking protein in their diet. Whey is generally well accepted, although people with lactose unacceptable people need to be careful with it. There are also some people who are allergic to whey.
Benefits of Whey Protein: there are several benefits of whey protein as
- Increasing Power
- Low Fat and Preserve Muscle
- Increase Size and Strength
- Weight Management
- Fight with Cancer
- Coping with Stress
- Improved Immune System
- Low Cholesterol
- Asthma
- Lowering Blood Pressure and Reducing Risk of Cardiovascular disease
Schedule of taking whey protein
- Taking whey protein in the morning: Whey protein is a fast-digesting protein that is perfect for you when you wake up, as it rapidly carry amino acids to your muscles and neutralize muscle breakdown. The whole night glycogen stores run low so the body is forced to turn to amino acid stores to power metabolic processes. When you wake up in the morning, your body needs energy as you had meal before 6-8 hrs. During your sleep, your body takes nutrients from the liver, fat cells and muscle cells to keep the blood sugar constant and to stimulate the brain and other tissues. A whey protein would be the best supplement to raise amino acids quickly. These supplements are highly efficient, it take 20-40 minutes to reach the level of amino acids at its high point. You can take it with your normal breakfast consisting of high quality low fat protein food and some low glycemic carbohydrates.
- Taking whey protein before workout
- Taking whey protein before workout: A whey protein is essential to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the body. It is important for protein synthesis and increase muscle mass. Protein is essential for building block of new muscle growth. It has been observed that whey protein taken before workout increase protein synthesis. You should take 25-35 grams of whey protein before workout.
- Taking whey protein after workout: the most important time for you to take protein is immediately after workout. As of this time your body has gone through lot of stress and your body needs nutrients for repair and growth of muscles. This is the right time for your body to absorb more protein. You should take 40-60 grams of protein after workout. After you take protein post workout, you should eat at least every 2 hours for 6 hours.
- Taking Whey protein before bed: As you have to starve whole night without food so you need to take proteins and nutrients before sleep. It is not advisable to take carbohydrates before bed but protein is good. Take the protein shake an hour before bed and stop your muscle from entering a catabolic state. It make sure that nutrients should be available during night fast and muscle breakdown can be avoided.